बुधवार, 18 अगस्त 2010

Clear your doubt's if you have any about our National Anthem # लोगों को जन गण मन पर कुछ भ्रांतियाँ है

लोगों को जन गण मन  पर कुछ भ्रांतियाँ है 
इसे पढ़ें 

This is being shared with a pure intent of creating awareness towards the indepth great meaning and message that comes along with the national anthem of a great nation. 

The whole composition is a treasure. It is through this that the unique primal shiva-shakti concept is presented.

The first evolution from shiva-shakti is 'Jana' 

'Jana' is symbolic towards 'Brahma - the creator'. The creator 'Brahma' is the master of all beginning. It is from the creator that creation occurs. What is created is only 'Satva, Raja, Tama - the three Gunas or qualities'. 'Satva' is most closely explained in english as 'pure'. 'Tama', the opposite of satva is most closely explained as 'impure'. 'Raja' is most closely explained as 'magnificient'. 'Brahma' is in command of all qualities. It is this creation that moves propelled with the force of its shakti, and what evolves from herein is the 'Jana-Shakti' or the force/energy of the three qualities. 

'Gana' is symbolic towards 'Shiva - the whole and complete'. The whole and complete 'Shiva' is the master of all completion. Completion also signifies in another manner the end or termination. 'Shiva' is hence also called as the destroyer or terminator. The creation that is created and moving with its shakti moves through the entire worlds. The entire world is that what is of the 'Deva - the angels', 'Rakshasa - the devils' and 'Manushya - the living human form'. 'Shiva' is in command of all 'Ganas - the worlds that are affected by the 'Gunas - the qualities' '. The whole and complete creation moves propelled with the force of its shakti, and what evolves further from here is the 'Gana-Shakti' or the force/energy of the three worlds. It is on account of this force that anything that is created is subjected to a flow into completion and herein from evolves the fact that whatever be created shall be destroyed or rather wherever there is life, there will be death. The life and death cycles evolve from here. 

'Mana' is symbolic towards 'Vishnu - the preservator'. With the emergence of the life and death cycles, it becomes mandatory that what be created need also be preserved. Else, quite simply, life and death shall merge into one or be simultaneous. This is the point that is most complex because already two highly potent forces are actively engaged in creation and completion. The preservator cannot preserve anything endlessly for that is already impossible. And from herein evolves the universal fact of the survival of the fittest. In order to preserve the created qualities that covered up all the worlds, has to follow the paths that be laid by 'Yoga, Yoni, Yukti'. 

'Yoga' has different meanings. Yoga means addition or joining or unifying together to become another magnified form. Yoga means effects or opportunities that point towards the destiny factor that comes through time spans of life cycle. Yoga means a purposeful activity involving specific exercises for specific purposes. Yoga means utilzing energies of will, illusion, devotion, work, reproduction, surrender or service in order to be preserved. 

'Yukti' means utilizing the energies attained through 'Gyana' or knowledge cleverly to direct it with the purpose of fulfilling the laid or considered objective. That is, yukti indicates towards well planned implementation or strategies that would keep changing as per the situation under consideration. It is through the yukti that the fit survive. 

'Yoni' is an emergence of utilization of forces/energies of worlds neglected by Shiva. While Shiva became the master of the three worlds, the creation moved over to many other worlds, and these very forces were available for Vishnu to preserve the creation before the created moved itself towards completion. The different Yoni's that are utilized by Vishnu for this purpose are 'Pashu - animals', 'Pakshi - birds', 'Matsya - fish', 'Keeta - insects', 'Sarpa - snakes and reptiles', 'Vriksha - plants' and 'Prithvi - material matter'. This is the force of survival. 

'Vishnu' commands all Yoga, Yukti and Yoni. Thus the whole of creation moves through the whole world preserved and protected by the force/energy of the Yoga-Shakti, Yukti-Shakti and Yoni-Shakti before it reaches its completion. 

Jana Gana Mana 

thus represent the trinity forces of the Brahma-Shakti, Shiva-Shakti and Vishnu-Shakti. 

Adhinayaka Jai Hai. 

One who understands this becomes the combined force of the trinity forces and uplifts to a state that is above each of the individual three primal trinity forces. In other words, 'Adhinayaka' points that there is a force that is even above the primal trinity forces and that force is god - the adhinayaka. Glory be to such a god. 

Bharat Bhagya Vidhata 

Once the principle concept is understood, then can evolve a state such that Bharat can itself be the creator of all fate or destiny. In other words, the understanding of the principle concept can lead the nation to create fate for all. Also such a creation of fate shall obviously be godly and be for the good of all. 

Punjab Sindha Gujarat Maratha 

Dravida Utkal Banga 

Vindhya Himachal Yamuna Ganga 

So move on to spread this principle concept all over the land of Bharat. Reach out to every single person for all are equal parts of this such a Bharat. 

Uchhala Jaladhi Taranga 

When such a movement of reaching out the understanding of the principle concept to every part of Bharat is begun, shall emerge another huge movement that would be moving itself through as a vibrant vibration in an ocean spreading prosperity and success all over. 

Tava Shubha Nama Jage 

And when such does begin, an awakening shall rise that shall look at the entire Bharat as an ideal to be followed 

Tava Shubha Ashish Mage 

And from all sides blessings shall be seeked from this such Bharat 

Gaye Tava Jai Gatha 

And all shall sing glory about the supreme feats of this such Bharat 

Jana Gana Mangal Dayaka Jai Hai 

Bharat Bhagya Vidhata 

Jai hai Jai hai 

Jai Jai Jai Jai hai 

With the spread of the understanding of the principle concept to various parts of Bharat, another huge movement emerges that moves itself as a vibrant vibration in an ocean spreading prosperity and success all over. This emergence moves in a manner such that 'Mana - the representation of Vishnu-Shakti' transforms itself to 'Mangal - the representation of Ganesha-Shakti'. This transformation is 'shubham karoti kalyanam', that is, this brings forth good and wellness everywhere. 

With this, the Brahma-Shakti or Jana-Shakti (the powerful energy force of the qualities), Shiva-Shakti or Gana-Shakti or Loka-Shakti (the powerful energy force of the worlds that moves through its inhabitants) and the Ganesha-Shakti (the powerful energy force of the unique combination of Gana-Shakti and Eswara (god)-Shakti) combine together to take up the role of the Adhinayaka. This unique combined energy forces itself becomes 'Mangal Dayaka' or one that brings forth wellness for all all times. Glory be to such a 'Mangal Dayaka'. 

It is through this transformation that 'Adhinayaka' (god) comes to ground and operates from here on. With this Bharat becomes the maker of destiny for all. 

Glory be to such from all everywhere. 

And this glory is being sung by all everywhere. 

In its due respect of the motherland 

Vande Mataram

8 टिप्‍पणियां:

  1. The description has taken aesthetic and philosophical turn and is very modern one.Can't say,if the song was written with the same concept and used otherwise.I recall Raghuvir Sahay saying:
    "राष्ट्रगीत में कौन भला वह भारत भाग्य विधाता है
    फटा सुथन्ना पहने जिसका गुण हरचरना गाता है"

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  2. sir aapne bahut hi sahi vishleshhan kiya hai apne rashhtra -geet ke baare me.hardik abhinandan.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  3. It's awesome. Never read such a beautiful description in my life, about out National Anthem.

    It's mesmerizing . Whatever the thought the creator had in his mind while writing it , but i genuinely liked this analysis.

    Feeling like touching your feet for this beautiful post !

    very impressive.


    जवाब देंहटाएं
  4. well written
    Jana means Public also
    Gana means servant or slave also
    Mana means heart also.

    जवाब देंहटाएं